Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

This was only George's second Halloween, but I think he enjoyed it so much more this year. Mostly because he knows what candy is and got it for free by going to people's houses. We had a few events leading up to the holiday. George helped his mom with pumpkin carving.

He enjoyed scooping out pumpkin seeds

You may ask, is George really carving?

Nope, just dropping the tools through the pumpkins eyes.

The finished product!

Then the weekend before Halloween our PEPs group had a Halloween preview. It's just an excuse for us to dress our kids up in their costumes and get together. This year George was a train conductor. Thou as you can see in all the pictures he wouldn't wear his hat.

Group picture that George didn't want to be in.

Yep not into the group thing.

George and Stella (giraffe)

Then the came the real fun on Halloween. George, with his mom and dad, went to a few houses. He never said 'trick or treat' but always said goodbye as we left. George was excited about getting candy, and spent about a half hour playing with it all after we got home.

In costume, mom as Alice in Wonderland

Counting his candy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blog looks really good. Love the pictures. ~JVo